Dr. Yankouskaya, the studies author, said,
“The medial prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex have different wiring when people have conditions such as depression and anxiety. Learning how cold water can rewire these parts of the brain could help us understand why the connectivity is so different for people with these conditions, and hopefully, in the long-term, lead to alternative treatments.”

Recent studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory benefit is only 15% of the benefit. The real benefits come from the release of cold-shock proteins. Reserved proteins in the liver which are dumped into the bloodstream once you put your body in cold water. This is done in an effort to save your life as your body signals it is threatened. They scour the body of free radical oxidation. Increasing the rate of protein synthesis (muscle repair). Most importantly, they are free to all of us. Being submerged in cold water also stimulates leukocytes, the white blood cells that aid in fighting off sickness. Researchers believe that this process is related to an increased metabolic rate, which stimulates the immune response.
Cold water immersion also causes the lymphatic system to contract, forcing fluid through the lymph nodes. This entire process aids in detoxing the body and strengthening the immune system, while fortifying your mind through deliberately enduring short-term discomfort.
These services are simple yet effective with short sessions that will have long lasting effects for days / weeks.
Other facts about cold exposure:
Studies have shown that the secretion of norepinephrine increases during cold exposure; norepinephrine is one of the hormones responsible for regulating attention, focus and energy.
Much like exercise, cold exposure is a stressor that can make you stronger.
The initial shock of heat or cold exposure allows your body to adapt and become stronger in a process called hormesis.
Reduced stress levels
Repeated exposure to cold temperatures induces a favorable level of stress in the body, triggering a process called ‘hardening’ that helps to train the nervous system to cope with a wider range of physical and mental stress over time. Essentially, consistent exposure to cold is a proactive way to condition the body to adapt and manage stress effectively. Understanding the science behind this can help one maintain composure in stressful situations.
Increased Alertness
Cold immersion awakens your body. The cold also encourages deep breathing, which decreases the level of CO2 throughout the body, encouraging enhanced concentration. This will in turn sharpen critical thinking skills.
Increased Willpower
Fortifying the body fortifies the mind. Pushing new boundaries and taking the cold immersion challenge will lead to a strengthening of your willpower.
Weight loss
Cold immersion (and exposure to cold in general), stimulates your metabolism. In addition to increasing the metabolic rate directly, cold stimulates the generation of brown fat. Brown fat is your body’s natural furnace and insulates your organs. This specific type of fat tissue that generates the energy to keep your organs warm by burning calories. Cold showers and cold water dips subsequently are an effective tool for people who are looking to lose weight naturally and safely.
Muscle Recovery
According to medical experts, the reason cold water helps with pain is that it causes your blood vessels to constrict. This reduces blood flow to the area — for example, an injury you’re applying ice to — which helps reduce swelling and inflammation.
Mental Health
Cold water is not a cure for any mental health condition. But certain case studies suggest that cold open water swimming has helped alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety in some people.